Initiatives et réponses des secteurs public et privé face aux bouleversements globaux
Public and private sector initiatives and responses to global upheavals
27, Boulevard Vauban – Lille Salle / Room VA02
Document non contractuel
PREMIÈRE JOURNÉE – Jeudi 12 décembre 2024 / Day 1, December 12th 2024
8h30 Accueil des participants / Welcoming of participants
8h50 Introduction aux deux journées / Introductory remarks
Cristiana SAPPA, présidente de l’AFD&M / president of the AFD&M, IÉSEG School of Management
9h00 Colloque – Session 1 / Conference – Session 1 | The AI interference with some current tasks
Chair : Cristiana SAPPA, IÉSEG School of Management
9h00 The role of AI in facilitating trans-Atlantic research and teaching collaborations
David OROZCO, Florida State University
9h15 Guardrails for the deployment of AI in finance in Canada: where do we go from here?
Stéphane ROUSSEAU, Université de Montréal, and Patrick MIGNAULT, University of Sherbrooke
9h30 Q&A
9h50 Colloque – Session 2 / Conference – Session 2 | Regulatory frameworks: Risks and assessment
Chair : Sandrine HENNERON, Neoma Business School
9h50 The concept of “Double Materiality” in EU Financial Reporting Regulation: Interpretative, Comparative and Compliance Challenges
Maximiliano MARZETTI and Hugues CHENET, IÉSEG School of Management
10h05 Lessons learned? Evaluating the effectiveness of post disaster investigations and litigation on disaster relief, remediation and prevention
Fred EINBINDER, American University of Paris
10h20 Impacts of regulatory development in a nascent industry: a case from Canada
John McARDLE, Bertolon School of Business, Salem State University
10h35 Q&A
11h00 Pause café / Coffee break
11h30 Colloque – Session 3 / Conference – Session 3 | Regulation and disclosure obligations for sustainable purposes
Chair : W. Gregory VOSS, TBS Business School
11h30 Developing Climate-Related Disclosure Regulation
Thomas MADDEN, Marist College School of Management
11h45 Trade secrets and disclosure obligations in the oil and gas sector
Cristiana SAPPA, IÉSEG School of Management
12h00 Q&A
12h15 Colloque – Session 4 / Conference – Session 4 | Getting to action : How to make pratice more sustainable
Chair : Andra COTIGA, Université Catholique de Lille
12h15 From Compliance to Collaboration: How Legal Design Can Improve Stakeholder Engagement Under the CSDDD
Ebru METIN, Tallin University of Technology, School of Business and Governance
12h30 From Control to Culture: Toward an Organizational Change Model of Legal Knowledge
Robert BIRD, UConn School of Business
12h45 Q&A
13h00 Cocktail déjeunatoire / Lunch and cocktail
14h00 Colloque – Session 5 / Conference – Session 5 | The different facets of sustainability : ethics and biodiversity
. Chair : Geert DEMUIJNCK, EDHEC Business School
14h00 Challenges and innovative changes in research ethics review (changer) – an overview
Marina MARKELLOU, Groningen University
14h15 Navigating the Intersection of Biodiversity Public Policies and Corporate Governance: From Public Discourse to Actionable Strategy
Marco CORRADI, ESSEC Business School – Silvia GRANDI, University of Bologna
14h30 Q&A
14h45 Colloque – Session 6 / Conference – Session 6 | Some constraints of sustainable companies
. Chair : Elie AOUN, Tribunal Judiciaire de Arras & IÉSEG School of Management
14h45 ESG paradox in new ventures: enhancing legitimacy without securing funding
Katayoon BESHKARDANA, Morgan State University
15h00 How can companies stay true to their sustainability goals in time of geopolitical tensions
Syrine ISMAILI-BASTIEN, IÉSEG School of Management
15h15 Q&A
15h30 Short break
15h45 Colloque – Session 7 / Conference – Session 7 | AI, skills and pedagogy
. Chair : Dobrina RAMPHORT, TBS Business School
15h45 Learning skills to apply law through a client-centered approach
Soili NYSTEN HAARALA, University of Lapland
16h00 Q&A
16h10 Round table on AI and pedagogy (in French)
Anne AUDRAN LY, Audencia Business School, Isabelle BUFFLIER, Skema Business School, and Bastien FERON
17h10 Clôture de la première journée / Wrap up and conclusion of the first day
Cristiana SAPPA, President AFD&M
20h00 Dîner de clôture de la première journée / Social Dinner (uniquement pour les personnes inscrites au dîner / Only for registered attendees)
SECONDE JOURNÉE – Vendredi 13 décembre 2024 / Day 2, December 13th 2024
8h45 Accueil des participants / Welcoming of participants
9h00 Colloque – Session 8 / Conference – Session 5 | Réflexions sur des nouvelles pratiques et réactions aux phénomènes contmporains
. Chair : Diane de SAINT-AFFRIQUE, Skema Business School
9h00 Le désengagement au travail : une nouvelle forme de prévention de la santé au travail ?
François GALLINARI, Université de Tours
9h15 Réflexions autour du concept de responsabilité numérique, Jean-Philippe TOPPIA, Université de Saint Etienne
9h30 La notion juridique d’opération d’assurance à l’épreuve des pratiques nouvelles de couverture des risques, Jean-Michel DO CARMO SILVA, Grenoble École de Management
9h45 Q&A
10h00 Colloque – Session 9 / Conference – Session 9 | Perspectives historiques et contemporaines sur les différents objectifs des organizations
. Chair : Sybille NEUMANN, HTW Saar
10h00 Aux origines de la production et de la consommation responsables et durables : les monastères cisterciens et leur règle
Hugues BOUTHINON-DUMAS, ESSEC Business School
10h15 Le marché de partenariat en tant qu’instrument de la coopération public-privé stratégique : un contrat de la commande publique dérogatoire et exigeant
Omar LAHRICHI, Université Lyon 2.
10h30 Q&A
10h45 Pause café / Coffee break
11h15 Colloque – Session 10 / Conference – Session 10 | Les outils et les techniques pédagogiques à l’ère du changement climatique
. Chair : Marjorie FOX, IÉSEG School of Management
11h15 La formation autonome des étudiants, Anne AUDRAN LY, Audencia Business School
11h30 Enseigner le droit au temps de l’IA, Sylvestre DHOMBRES, Pylones & IÉSEG School of Management
11h45 Les voyages déforment la jeunesse?, Hugues BOUTHINON-DUMAS, ESSEC Business School
12h00 Q&A
12h20 Clôture du colloque / Wrap up and conclusion
Cédric DUCHATELLE, Secrétaire Général de l’AFD&M, CARAC
12h30 Pique-Nique (sandwichs) / Brown-bag lunch
Uniquement pour les personnes assistant à l’Assemblée générale de l’AFD&M / Only for participants to the FALB General Meeting
13h30 Assemblée Générale de l’AFD&M / FALSB General Meeting
Uniquement pour les membres de l’AFD&M / Only for FALSB members
15h00 Clôture du Congrès / Wrap up and conclusion of the two days
* *
Elie AOUN is a jurist at the Judicial Court of Arras. He has a doctorate in Private Law and is adjunct professor at the IAE of Valenciennes, Université Catholique de Lille, and IÉSEG School of Management
Anne AUDRAN-LY is a Professor at Audencia Business School. She teaches the Fundamentals of Law as well as various courses relating to Contract Law, Intellectual Property Law and Communication and Media Law. She has published several cases (at the CCMP) either in Law or hybrid cases mixing Law and marketing, communication, brand management or human resources management. A keen pedagogue, she tries to innovate every year by making her courses more inclusive and adapted to all learning preferences. She tests students’ use of artificial intelligence and encourages them to develop critical thinking skills. She encourages peer assessment and experimentation of the feedback cycle to increase the success rate of students in final examinations.
Aïda BENNINI est Maître de Conférences à l’Université de Caen Normandie, et membre du Centre Caennais de recherche juridique. Elle a investi des champs de recherche prospectifs, dans une perspective nationale, européenne et internationale, en croisant les apports de la science juridique et de la science économique, particulièrement dans son champs de spécialité que constitue l’étude de la gouvernance des entreprises et des sociétés. Dans ce cadre, elle s’intéresse particulièrement à l’influence des parties prenantes sur l’entreprise et son fonctionnement
Katayoon BESHKARDANA S.J.D., is Assistant Professor at Morgan State University. She is an expert in technology and privacy law, the law of the World Trade Organization, international business transactions, foreign investment law, international commercial arbitration, and investor-state dispute settlements (ISDS). Prior to joining Morgan State University Katayoon worked as a consultant with the World Bank Legal Vice Presidency. She has also been in private practice as an in-house legal counsel carrying foreign investment negotiations and international business transactions for multiple years. Her research is focused on blockchain regulatory landscape, European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), privacy law, transparency, China and global trade, sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR & ESG), and trade facilitation. She has published in Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business, and UC Law Hastings Science and Technology Law Journal, and collaborated in the World Bank policy research working papers. Katayoon actively presents on topics of AI, national security and trade during the Annual HBCU Fintech and Blockchain conference as well as the annual conference of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business (ALSB). She is an active member of ALSB, an Affiliate of the NSF Institute for Trustworthy AI in Law and Society (TRAILS), and a member of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL).
Robert BIRD is a Professor of Business Law and the Eversource Energy Chair in Business Ethics at the University of Connecticut. Robert’s scholarship focuses on compliance, legal strategy, sustainability, business ethics, and employment law. Authoring over seventy publications, Robert has published in numerous journals, including the Journal of Law and Economics, American Business Law Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, and MIT Sloan Management Review. Robert is the recipient of over fifteen research and teaching awards and served as editor in chief of the American Business Law Journal. Robert is a past president of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business, the international academic organization for professors of business law.
Hugues BOUTHINON-DUMAS est professeur permanent au département Droit et environnement de l’entreprise de droit à l’ESSEC Business School. Il est l’un des fondateurs et ancien président de l’Association Française Droit & Mangement. Normalien, agrégé de l’Université, docteur en droit (HDR), ses travaux de recherche portent sur le droit des affaires, le droit pénal, la régulation et la compliance, la gouvernance des entreprises, le droit économique et la transition écologique, les places juridiques et l’approche Law & Management. Il enseigne le droit des affaires, le droit pénal des affaires, le droit de l’ingénierie financière, l’éloquence et la rhétorique ainsi que les aspects juridiques de la transition et du développement durable. Il est par ailleurs Magistrat à titre temporaire au Tribunal judiciaire de Nanterre.
Hugues CHENET is an Associate Professor of Sustainability at IÉSEG School of Management since 2022. He is also an Honorary Senior Research Fellow of University College London (Institute for Sustainable Resources), a Founding Member of the Double Materiality Chair, and a Research Associate at the Chair Energy and Prosperity. Hugues got his PhD in 2003 from The Institute of Earth Physics of Paris (IPGP), worked as a researcher at the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) and then as a risk management consultant in finance and sustainability before he co-founded the 2° Investing Initiative think tank in 2012. Hugues Chenet’s research topics concern the role, responsibilities, and new constraints the financial system and broader economy and policy domains are facing, with regard to climate change, biodiversity loss and global sustainability issues. Hugues recently worked on these questions as a Scientific Collaborator at Ecole Polytechnique de Paris (Chair Stress Test) and as an Associate Research Fellow of the Japanese Financial Services Agency (Japan FSA), and contributed to the Planetary Health program at the Oxford Martin School. His current work focuses on the need to approach financial regulation through precautionary and strong sustainability approaches, in the face of ongoing global disruptions and the radical uncertainty that characterizes them. He also develops transdisciplinary research related to Finance and Earth systems tipping points. Hugues sits in several scientific councils and committees, including of national authorities.
Andra COTIGA est Professeure de droit privé à l’Université Catholique de Lille depuis 2016. Elle a soutenu son doctorat en droit en 2010 à l’Université de Lille sur le thème « La compétition normative dans l’Union européenne, l’exemple du droit des sociétés » (ouvrage publié aux éditions Larcier, 2013), sous la direction du Professeur P. Meunier. Elle a obtenu le diplôme de HDR en droit en 2015 à l’Université de Strasbourg, sous la direction du Professeur N. Rontchevski. Elle a été à plusieurs reprises chercheur boursier à l’Institut Max Planck pour le droit étranger et le droit international privé (Allemagne) en 2007, 2008-2010 et 2013. Andra est à ce jour membre de la Société de législation comparée . Elle publie régulièrement dans le domaine du droit européen des affaires en anglais ou en français. Actuellement ses travaux portent essentiellement sur la loi applicable à la société, le devoir de vigilance des entreprises et le reporting de durabilité. Elle a crée et dirige depuis 2013 le Master bilingue « Business & Competition Law » et depuis 2021, le DU « Compliance Internationale et éthique des affaires ». Elle parle et travaille dans les langues suivantes: le roumain (langue maternelle), le français (bilingue), l’anglais (bilingue) et l’allemand (courant).
Jean-Michel do CARMO SILVA is a Senior Professor of law at Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM). His most recent academic publications focus on financial law, more particulary insurance undertakings regulation. He supervises research in law through coordinating collective works as well as through his role as scientific advisor of a legal journal. He’s in charge of a teaching program in partnership with the University of Grenoble Alpes. From 2017 to 2020, he was chairman of the French Academy of Legal studies. He’s now vice chairman.
Cédric DUCHATELLE est actuellement le Secrétaire Général de la Carac, mutuelle d’assurance centenaire dédiée à l’épargne, la retraite et la prévoyance. Il a été Directeur Groupe Conformité & Éthique des affaires d’AG2R LA MONDIALE. Il enseigne par ailleurs le droit/compliance et l’éthique des affaires comme maitre de conférence associé à l’université polytechnique des Hauts de France et au sein du MBA de l’École Supérieure de la Banque. Avocat de formation, titulaire d’un DEA en droit et sciences judiciaires et diplômé du Centre des Hautes Etudes d’Assurance (CHEA-CNAM). Il est membre de l’Association Française Droit & Management, du Cercle d’éthique des affaires et de l’Association Française des Juristes d’Entreprise. Il a rédigé de nombreux articles sur la compliance et l’éthique des affaires et un ouvrage « L’éthique des affaires, pour une gouvernance intègre » publié aux éditions de l’Argus de l’assurance en 2020.
Fred EINBINDER is a French-USA dual national, Chicago born and bred, lawyer and law professor who has worked in Paris for over 40 years, principally as in-house counsel for large French multinational infrastructure companies-SPIE, VINCI and as General Counsel of ALSTOM where he supervised a worldwide team of 225 lawyers for over a decade until his retirement in 2011. He is an Associate Professor presently teaching US, International business law and Disaster Management at the American University of Paris and also teaches courses in law and business at the ESSEC Business School. He previously taught contract law and contract management for several years at the University of Paris-Saclay law school and ESCP. His research interests and published works center on international corruption, extraterritoriality, comparative criminal procedures and dispute resolution and disasters. He is an International Expert recognized by the UNECE (UN in Geneva) “Center of Excellence” dedicated to promoting best practices in law and policy for Private Public Partnerships. He serves on the Scientific Committee of the Business and Legal Forum (Paris), is VP for Advocacy of the Association of Americans Resident Overseas (AARO) based in Paris. He is a member of the Illinois Bar, a graduate of Bradley University, University of Illinois College of Law, HEC (Executive MBA) and the Institute of Comparative Law of the University of Paris.
Bastien FERON is Associate lecturer in law at the University of Évry and he is an independent creator of an adaptive learning solution used by around 10 HR master’s programs and higher education institutions. The thousands of adaptive question-and-answer pairs created are distributed through the interface, enabling partner institutions to add a technical component to their curriculum that differentiates the master’s program. The interface precisely tracks each student’s progress, diligence, and consistency in revision work and automatically personalizes their law revision tasks.
Syrine ISMAILI-BASTIEN is an adjunct professor at IÉSEG School of Management. She teaches: Geopolitics and Business Law at graduate and undergraduate levels. Her research interests encompass these two issues. In addition, Syrine Ismaili-Bastien is an advisor who seeks to help companies that want to develop, in Africa in particular, to achieve their objectives. Her consultancy work is mainly about development opportunities and strategies, and legal compliance. Syrine Ismaili-Bastien is graduate with a PhD from the University of Lille (France). She is also graduate of the University of Artois in France (MA in Maritime and environment Law) and of the University of Tunis in Tunisia (MA in Law). Syrine Ismaili-Bastien is fluent in English, French, and Arabic.
François GALLINARI is Maître de conférences à l’Université de Tours, mes travaux ont pour ambition de créer des ponts entre le Droit et Gestion en matière de santé au travail.
J’étudie les innovations juridiques, la prévention de la santé, la souffrance au travail et ses corolaires à travers la jurisprudence, les accords collectifs et des entretiens d’acteurs du droit (magistrats, inspecteurs du travail, avocats, etc.).
Omar LAHRICHI est Docteur en droit public de l’Université Lumière Lyon II, et diplômé de Sciences po Lyon en affaires internationales, spécialité Globalisation et Gouvernance. Il a enseigné les matières du droit public dans plusieurs universités, notamment en tant qu’ATER à l’Université de Lille. Ses recherches interdisciplinaires et comparatives portent sur les mutations de la gouvernance publique et territoriale, ainsi que sur les affaires internationales. Il s’intéresse plus spécifiquement aux instruments de la coopération public-privé et aux contrats de la commande publique. Il est chercheur associé à Transversales – Unité de recherche en droit (Université Lyon II).
Thomas M. MADDEN is Associate Professor of Business Law at Marist College School of Management. He had a BA at the Trinity College (with interdisciplinary honors), an MA at New York University, and a JD at Northwestern University School of Law. Madden has published extensively in top law journals in the fields of ethics and financial regulation, alternative dispute resolution, and law and strategy. A member of the New York, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island Bars, he has practiced law with the world’s third largest law firm (Jones Day), as well as his own boutique. Madden is a long-time arbitrator and mediator for FINRA and several New York courts. Among many involvements, he is an active member of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business (where he chairs the Interdisciplinary Section) and is Vice President of the Northeast Academy of Legal Studies in Business. Madden teaches Law & Strategy in an adjunct capacity at Northeastern University School of Law.
Marina MARKELLOU is an assistant professor in intellectual property law at the Faculty of Law, University of Groningen. Dr Markellou has over 15 years academic and professional experience in the intellectual property law field. Dr Markellou is a senior legal researcher and software lover, with long-term expertise in law and technologies from a legal and ethical perspective. From 2020-2022, Dr Markellou was the holder of an HFRI (Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation) research grant on synaesthetic engagement of Artificial Intelligence with Digital Arts and its Audience (AI TRACE). Recognised as an academic expert in copyright, Dr Markellou has carried out research for international and EU institutions (2017-2022 Research Associate at the Hellenic National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos and at the KEMEA – Center for Security Studies where she contributed to many HORIZON 2020 projects as a Legal and Ethics Advisor (FLY-SEC, TRESSPASS, MARINE-EO, Focus-Locus, TENSOR, CIVILNEXT). She is also an external ethics evaluator for the European Commission for cluster 2 Horizon Europe.
Maximiliano MARZETTI serves as associate Professor at IÉSEG School of Management. Within this capacity, he is an integral part of ICON, IESEG’s Centre of Excellence in Negotiation, ICOR, IESEG’s Centre for Organizational Responsibility, and the LEM Lab, a Joint Research Unit focused on Economics and Management associated with the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). He is also a Teaching Fellow at CopyrightX, a Harvard University Law School course taught in affiliation with Turin University. Before joining IÉSEG, Maximiliano was Deputy Director of the Master of Laws in Intellectual Property from Turin University and the World Intellectual Property Organisation. Maximiliano obtained a law degree from the Catholic University of Argentina, a Master of Laws in Intellectual Property from Turin University, a European Master in Law & Economics from Hamburg, and Bologna Universities (dual degree), a Graduate Diploma in Arbitration Law from Montpellier University, and a doctorate (PhD) from Erasmus Rotterdam University. He was awarded an Erasmus Mundus scholarship by the European Commission and was a foreign research scholar (Stipendiat) at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in Munich. His teaching and research interests revolve around Intellectual Property, Business Law, and Dispute Resolution. Prior to embarking on his academic path, Maximiliano practised as a lawyer, mediator, and industrial property consultant in Argentina. He is fluent in English, Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese.
Ebru METIN is an early-stage researcher at Tallinn University of Technology School of Business and Governance. She focuses on reducing regulatory complexity with legal design to enable sustainable business practices as part of her doctoral studies. She holds an LLM in International Financial Law from King’s College London (2014) as a Jean Monnet Scholar, an LLM in Business Law from Istanbul Bilgi University (2013) and a BA in law from İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University (2009). She is also the founder of award-winning social enterprise, Legal Design Turkey, that had successfully carried out two legal information design projects with UNDP Turkey (2021) and UN Women (2024). She previously worked in legal counsel, corporate governance and contract manager roles in Turkey, United Kingdom and Spain. Her work has been recognized internationally, including awards/honours from the UNDP Social Innovation Support Programme (2021), the British Council (2022), Euclid Network (2022), International Legal Technology Association (2022) and US Department of State/Vital Voices (2022). She is actively involved in promoting legal technology as a representative for the European Legal Technology Association.
Sybille NEUMANN est professeure de droit civil et directrice de l’ISFATES (Institut supérieur franco-allemand de techniques, d’économie et de sciences) à Sarrebruck.
Elle était pendant plusieurs années avocate au barreau de Strasbourg (Cabinet ASA Avocats Associés) et elle a travaillé pour plusieurs banques en tant que conseillère juridique. Ses recherches et ses publications portent sur le droit des contrats, le droit international privé, le droit bancaire et les droits de la personnalité (thèse sur le droit à l’image en droit comparé), notamment en Allemagne et en France.
David OROZCO is the Bank of America Professor of Business Administration at Florida State University’s College of Business. Professor Orozco has won several teaching awards and enjoys writing about law, legal strategy, ethics, and compliance. He has written an award-winning textbook published by McGraw-Hill titled Business Law and Strategy, and dozens of interdisciplinary law and management articles in top law reviews and peer-reviewed journals. He is an active member of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business (ALSB) and served as the Editor-in-Chief of the American Business Law Journal (ABLJ), widely regarded as a premier peer-reviewed business law journal.
Stéphane ROUSSEAU (Ad. E.) est professeur titulaire à la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Montréal et professeur affilié au département de finance de HEC Montréal. Il détient un doctorat en droit de l’Université de Toronto. Membre du Barreau du Québec, le professeur Rousseau enseigne et poursuit des recherches en droit des sociétés, en gouvernance d’entreprise et en droit des marchés financiers. Il est auteur et coauteur de nombreux ouvrages dont : Droit des valeurs mobilières (Éd. Thémis, 2023) (avec Pr Raymonde Crête), Droit des sociétés par actions, (4e éd., Éd. Thémis, 2018); (avec Pr Ejan Mackaay, Pr Pierre Larouche et Me Alain Parent), Business Law and Economics, Elgar, 2021; (avec Pr Ejan Mackaay, Pr Pierre Larouche et Me Alain Parent), Analyse économique du droit, (3e éd., Dalloz/Éd. Thémis, 2021).
Diane de SAINT-AFFRIQUE est Docteur en droit de l’Université Paris 2, Panthéon-Assas est full professeur à SKEMA Business-School, où elle a créé successivement le département droit et fiscalité et les deux doubles Master Droit des affaires et Droit des Contrats d’Affaires. Elle intervient aujourd’hui en tant que legal advisor dans le cadre de l’incubateur de start up Skema entrepreneurs où elle conseille des startupers sur leur stratégie dans le cadre de leur développement entrepreneurial et juridique. Elle porte un projet de recherche sur le devoir de vigilance dans le cadre du Think-tank Skema -Publika. Ses domaines de recherche sont le droit des sociétés, la gouvernance d’entreprise et la RSE. Ses recherches portent également sur la bioéthique, l’IA et l’éthique. Diane est membre du conseil scientifique de Business and legal forum . Elle est également administrateur de l’AFD&M (Association française droit et management)
Cristiana SAPPA est professeur en droit des affaires à IÉSEG School of Management, où elle est également chef du département Innovation, Entreprenariat et Systèmes d’information. Son domaine de recherche est la propriété intellectuelle; elle participe régulièrement aux conférences internationales principales dans la matière et publie en anglais, français et italien dans plusieurs revues dans le domaine. Elle a le CAPA Avocat et à été sélectionnée pour faire partie de groupes d’experts fournissant support sur des thèmes ponctuels à la Commission Européenne (la création d’un espace de données sur le patrimoine culturel) et le Conseil de l’Europe (l’impact de l’IA sur le patrimoine culturel).
Jean-Philippe TOPPIA est doctorant à l’Université de Saint-Etienne (Laboratoire Coactis). Après une carrière riche dans le domaine juridique, il poursuit sa thèses tout en exerçant sa fonction de directeur pédagogique dans une école internationale du sud de la France. Chargé d’enseignement à l’école des mines de Saint-Etienne depuis de nombreuses années, ses thèmes de recherche traitent de la responsabilité numérique des entreprises (RNE) et de ses conséquences sur le manager. Son travail doctoral s’inscrit dans une démarche regroupant les sciences de gestion et le droit.
W. Gregory VOSS is Associate Professor of Business Law at TBS Business School. Voss’s research is primarily focused on the law of new technologies, particularly in privacy and data protection (including related legal strategy) and cross-border data flows, and his work has been published mainly in law & technology and international law journals. Voss is a member of the board of directors of the French Academy of Legal Studies in Business and is a Staff Editor of the American Business Law Journal. He holds a Juris Doctor from the University of Michigan Law School and a DESS (Masters 2) in Law and Information Systems from the University of Toulouse Capitole. He has a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.