EDHEC : Associate/Full Professor of law, specialization in data law, privacy and Artificial Intelligence

As a part of its growth strategy, EDHEC is recruiting an Associate Professor or Full Professor of law in the field of data law, privacy and Artificial Intelligence.

Successful candidates are expected to perform high level research and to actively teach and thereby participate to the continuous development of our Programs. Ability and willingness to contribute, based on research work, to creating innovative solutions for the legal market will be appreciated. Ability to teach in French is an advantage but is not mandatory.

EDHEC offers great career development opportunities for Faculty members.

The candidate will conduct his/her research in the framework of the EDHEC Augmented Law Institute.

Location will be on the Lille campus.


  • PhD degree in Law, specializing in data law, privacy and Artificial Intelligence
  • Strong and recognized research track record with publications in top-ranked journals.
  • Demonstrated ability to teach in academic programs at the BBA and Master’s level
  • Energy, dynamism, conviction
  • Desire to actively engage in all areas of Faculty life
  • Personal and professional ethics
  • Excellent communication skills
  • High level of fluency in English
  • (Desirable but not compulsory) Knowledge of the French language

At EDHEC, we put diversity at the heart of our practices and know the value of building an inclusive and equitable workplace. Passionate about making an impact on society, we aim to build a team of colleagues representative of the diversity in our communities, and thus strongly encourage all people to apply.

Candidates interested in applying for this position are invited to send a cover letter, a resume, a list of publications, a list of classes taught (and evaluations) and the names and contact information of two referees at Recrutementsprofs1@edhec.edu

Cyprus International Institute of Management : position in Law

The Cyprus International Institute of Management is an international Graduate Business School based in Cyprus since 1990 (www.ciim.ac.cy) in the process of becoming a full-fledged university.

CIIM is seeking to appoint outstanding candidates for all ranks of tenure-track (Lecturer, Assistant Professor) and tenured (Associate Professor and Professor) positions in the following areas/disciplines:

  • Statistics and Quantitative Research Methods
  • Human Resource Management
  • Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
  • Computer Science, AI & Information Technologies
  • Business Strategy & Management
  • Public Administration
  • Economics
  • Law

The successful applicant is expected to publish scholarly research articles in high quality academic journals, prepare proposals for external funding, have a strong commitment to teaching excellence at both undergraduate and post graduate levels, engage in student supervision and mentoring, as well as contribute in administrative duties. Promising and ambitious research agendas, which result in securing competitive funding, will be rewarded with lighter teaching loads and reduced administrative duties.

Required qualifications

Applicants should hold a Ph.D. from an accredited University with specialization in the field of the position applying. All degree requirements must be complete at the commencement of the appointment. Excellent English language and communication skills are essential. We especially seek candidates with an international academic background to further enrich faculty diversity and international profile.

Applicants for junior positions must demonstrate clear potential and commitment to scholarly research as well as evidence of teaching excellence.  For research-oriented candidates, there is provision for reduced teaching load and reduced administrative duties to pursue an ambitious research agenda.

Applicants for senior positions must demonstrate a solid record of and commitment to scholarly research through publications in high-ranked international peer-reviewed journals as well as a strong ongoing research agenda. Evidence of teaching excellence, and course and curriculum development is also required.

The successful applicant will be expected to publish scholarly research in high quality academic journals as well as demonstrate superior teaching skills at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Candidates are also expected to be actively involved in their department, collaborate with other faculty members, pursue research grants and attract external research funding,

The remuneration package

The remuneration package offered is highly competitive and commensurate with the candidate’s experience and qualifications. The position also offers internationally competitive teaching load, a research start-up package, and a university environment that fosters multidisciplinary collaboration and research productivity. The candidate will have the opportunity to participate in doctoral student supervision, as well as deliver elective courses in the areas of their research interests.

How to apply

Please visit http://www.ciim.ac.cy/faculty-application/ to complete the application form and to upload all relevant documents: (1) a cover letter, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) a research plan for the next 3 years, and (4) a teaching evaluation scores (if available).

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

CBS Law: Associate Professorship in the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy

CBS LAW, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, at the Copenhagen Business School invites applications for a full-time faculty position at associate professor (lektor) level.

Examples of disciplines/profiles one may apply in:

  • Law of obligations
  • Contract law
  • Property law
  • Business law

The starting date is expected to be 1 July 2023 or as soon as possible


Sept. 2022

La lettre est disponible au format pdf,
en cliquant sur le lien suivant : NL13

Journée 2021

1st edition of the Ethics & Algorithms Workshop – Grenoble (France) – November 23rd, 2022

Stéphanie Gauttier, PhD et Clara JEAN, membres de l’équipe ISS ont le plaisir de vous annoncer l’organisation de leur workshop sur le thème « Ethique & Algorithmes » qui aura lieu le 23 Novembre 2022. Toutes soumissions (théorique, empirique ou pratique) traitant de ce thème sont les bienvenues.
Pour tout complément d’information ou soumettre votre travail, veuillez envoyer votre email à clara.jean@grenoble-em.com et stephanie.gauttier@grenoble-em.com

Welcome to the 1st edition of the Ethics & Algorithms Workshop which will take place physically in Grenoble (France) on November 23rd, 2022. Stéphanie Gauttier, PhD and Clara JEAN invite you to submit an extended abstract to the 1st Edition of the Ethics & Algorithms Workshop – 2022 for presentations.

Détails / More details : https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6950082554645385217/


emlyon business school is looking for a Full Time Professor in Law / Beginning from sept. 22


emlyon business school is looking for a Full Time Professor in Law, Action Learning, with a successful academic teaching experience of a minimum of four years in French and two years in English in Business Law and Digital Business Law (digital innovations in the legal sector, Data protection, etc).

The candidate is willing to contribute in the development of courses both in under-graduate and post-graduate programs. The candidate will also be expected to participate in the dissemination of legal research, in particular to support the Law team on issues related to data protection and digital innovations in the legal sector, such as blockchain.

Applications are open at Associate Professor level – primary focus on teaching- beginning as full time faculty  from September 2022 in Lyon / Écully campus, with regular travels to Saint-Étienne campus and sometimes on Paris campuses.

The selected candidate will closely collaborate with our existing team of professors and researchers in the school’s Law disciplinary Department.


We are looking for candidates with the following qualifications in line with their level of application:

  • Doctorate degree in Law
  • capacity to publish in academic journals and general media
  • evidence of outstanding teaching achievements in English and French at different levels (undergraduate and graduate students)
  • ability to collaborate in interdisciplinary teams
  • candidate will be part of the Law, Management and Social Sciences Department where open exchanges and academic collaboration is a priority
  • desire to collaborate in a collegial and dynamic team
  • ability to support and guide students in their research (Master’s thesis)
  • willingness to work on both campuses Lyon and St. Etienne


The candidate will be expected to contribute to and is regularly evaluated based on three areas of activities: (1) research performance, 2) teaching and student supervision, and (3) institutional service (e.g. administration, service in committees, representation of the school in the media and events).

We strongly encourage people of all backgrounds (gender, ethnic background, nationality) to apply.

Fluency in English is required.

The candidate will have to share her/his teaching time between Saint-Etienne (one third) and Lyon (two thirds) (with occasional teaching in Paris).    The selected candidate is expected to be based in Lyon or nearby area. Emlyon has set-up a relocation policy to support the moving process.



Salary and conditions are competitive and will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.




emlyon business school, one of the leading French Grandes Ecoles in Management, has consistently been ranked among the top European Business Schools. It holds a triple accreditation (AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA) and offers a wide range of programs including a BBA, MSc in Management, Specialized Master’s degrees, MBA, DBA, PhD, as well as open and tailor-made executive programs.emlyon business school is ranked among the top 100 best universities and business schools of the world, in the latest Shanghai ranking. In the Management category, the school reaches the top 3 of best French business schools.

World-class institution, emlyon welcomes in its Faculty 170 highly qualified professors whose research inform the scientific conversation as well as the economic and social debates. These professors share and diffuse their knowledge and expertise with all our participants via innovative pedagogical designs. The school counts seven campuses around the world: Lyon, Saint-Étienne, Paris, Casablanca, Shanghai, Bhubaneswar and Mumbai.



emlyon business school is at the center of a vibrant ecosystem of large universities with excellent research teams in engineering, computer science, natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities (see: https://www.onlylyon.com/en)

Lyon is the second largest city in France, with a long tradition in entrepreneurship and with a strong digital industry.

Further information


  • A cover letter including motivation to join emlyon business school
  • An up-to-date curriculum vitae
  • A teaching statement (with teaching evaluations)
  • Reference letters from two referees

Possible questions about the position can be addressed to Professor Tercinet, Head of the Department Law, Management and Social Sciences: tercinet@em-lyon.com

Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible, as review of applications will begin immediately, and continue until the position has been filled.

All application materials should be submitted in English, via this website page. The application materials will not be returned.


Appel à contributions RIDO / 30 sept. 2022

La Revue Interdisciplinaire Droit et Organisations (RIDO) lance appel à contributions pour un numéro spécial autour de la thématique « Organisations et santé au travail »

Date limite de soumission : 30 septembre 2022

Pour soumettre votre article, veillez à le soumettre sur le site https://www.revue-rido.com et à l’adresser à : brigitte.pereira@wanadoo.fr et caroline_andre@sfr.fr

Sans que la liste ci-dessous soit exhaustive, les articles pouvant être accueillis pour le numéro spécial dédié à la santé au travail peuvent notamment traiter les thématiques suivantes :
– La gestion du risque-sécurité et la protection des salariés ;
– Le management de la santé au travail et l’évaluation des risques professionnels ;
– L’influence des disciplines dans l’appréhension de la santé au travail ;
– Les regards des praticiens sur la santé au travail ;
– La santé au travail et la responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise ;
– Les acteurs de la santé au travail (dirigeants, managers, collaborateurs, représentants des salariés, sociologues du travail…) ;
– La normalisation de la santé au travail ;
– La négociation collective en matière de santé au travail ;
– La santé des chefs d’entreprise, notamment des PME-TPE ;
– Les risques psychosociaux et la détresse psychologique au travail ;
– La pénalisation et la protection de la santé au travail
– L’approche salutogénique : regards croisés.

Plus d’information ICI.

20e édition du colloque francophone sur le risque Oriane

La 20e édition du colloque francophone sur le risque Oriane aura lieu les 29 et 30 septembre 2022 au département Techniques de commercialisation de l’IUT de Bayonne (21 place Paul Bert) avec le soutien de 20 associations et réseaux scientifiques, dont l’AFD&M.

Ce colloque pluridisciplinaire permet de présenter les derniers travaux relatifs à cette thématique concernant les entreprises, les associations sans oublier le secteur public. 29 publications collectives sont parues (4 ouvrages collectifs ; 25 numéros ou cahiers thématiques « Risque » dans des revues scientifiques à comité de lecture, dont 16 figurent dans des revues classées ou correspondant à des classements CoNRS 37 et/ou FNEGE et/ou sections de l’AERES-HCERES). D’autres publications collectives doivent être diffusées au cours de cette année.

Calendrier :

  •     Date limite de remise des projets de communication (textes « complets », format doc ou docx) : 3 juin 2022.
  •     Remise des avis émanant des rapporteurs du comité scientifique : 30 juin 2022.
  •     Date limite de remise des projets de communication corrigés : 2 septembre 2022.

A l’issue de la 20e édition de ce colloque, les meilleures communications seront diffusées dans plusieurs revues scientifiques partenaires.

Pour plus d’informations :

HEC Paris hires one full professor in law

The Law department of HEC Paris invites applications for a tenured faculty position starting with 1st September 2022. The preferred research profile of the successful candidate is linked to one or more of the following disciplines:

– Sustainability Law & Compliance
– International Taxation
– Corporate Governance
– Company Law, and
– Intellectual Property.

The resulting research is expected to lead to publications in top peer-review law journals. The applicant is also expected to be an excellent teacher.

While HEC Paris is a bilingual school (English/French), the ability to teach in French is not mandatory. The work shall be mainly performed at HEC Paris campus in Jouy-en-Josas.

HEC Paris is committed to equal opportunities. It ensures the entire faculty, staff and students against discrimination in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment on the basis of race, colour, gender, nationality, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Candidate Profile and application procedure https://lnkd.in/dTCxSTJa